It’s Finally Here!!!!

When I was younger (in my teens) I was (and still am) a big fan of The Who. When they announced that they were coming to Calgary with this tour I bought my tickets right away. It was a great concert and Pete Townshend was amazing, Roger Daltry’s voice is starting to show a little age.

Anyway after the concert they announced that you could purchase CDs and DVDs of the concert via a site called The next day I logged on. bought the CD and DVD combo and waited. I recieved a shipping notice on the 9th of November and today my package showed up.

The DVD looks great. It is a production DVD and not a DVDR and is professionally edited with exceleent video and sound quality. A nice little souvenir form the show that I was at. Better deal than T-shirt at 55 USD for both + shipping as T-shirts were 40.00 CDN.

Signing off to keep watching!


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